Tickets are selling fast and we hope you will join us on Friday, November 3rd from 7-11pm at The Country Club of Darienfor an evening of dancing, music, and philanthropy as we celebrate Hindley’s 75th Anniversary!
Purchase your tickets by Friday, October 20th and be entered into a drawing to win a bottle of ‘Laphroaig’ Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky generously donated by SipStirs!

Fifth Grade Parents – looking for another incentive to purchase your tickets early? How about prime seating at Fifth Grade Graduation? Purchase your tickets by Friday, October 20th and you’ll also be entered into a drawing to receive two front row seats at graduation.
Thank you to our Emerald Sponsor, The Jennifer Leahy Team at Douglas Elliman Real Estate, for supporting our Hindley PTO, students, and teachers!

Please join us as we celebrate Hindley’s 75th Anniversary with a night of dancing, music, and philanthropy!
*Dress in costume from your favorite decade!*
If you have any questions, please contact Julienne Redmond or Yajaira Visi.