The Hindley PTO Treasury department is using an online sign up/payment system: www.pay4schoolstuff.com It is an online system where parents can sign up and pay for Hindley School events. The PTO board identified a need for an online system to streamline the back office processes that go along with all your favorite Hindley PTO events: the Hindley Bash, Spiritwear orders, Cocoa & Caroling, and more. By signing up for events and paying online, it will reduce the number of checks and sign up forms that have to be manually entered into spreadsheets for every event. And with a school of over 500 students, that is a lot of paperwork!
There is no cost to sign up, the PTO is paying for the set-up and the nominal service charges will be by absorbed by the various committees. Just go to www.pay4schoolstuff.com and register your child(ren) under the “PARENT SIGNUP” tab at the top of the screen. Once you register one child, you will receive a link to activate your account, add additional children and link them to Hindley School. Once you are registered and active, you will have the ability to sign up for your favorite Hindley events.