The Hindley PTO is dedicated to promoting the values of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within our community. These are core values of a Darien public education that have been stated clearly in the DPS strategic plan (click HERE) and as a community we are responsible for finding ways to uphold and pursue these values.
The goals of the DEI Committee within the PTO are:
- To support the district’s initiatives in promoting the values of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Demonstrate a commitment by our PTO that all families are valued.
- Provide an avenue for the parent community to engage with our school administration, collaborate across DPS, and create a voice for Hindley families on topics of DEI that is reflective of our community.
- Share resources for parents, promote diverse and inclusive enrichment activities for Hindley students, and facilitate communication in our community around topics related to DEI.
- Create a supportive environment and safe spaces for parents to share and learn from one another as we each pursue our own journey in educating ourselves and our children in creating an inclusive community.
We recognize as well that:
- Talking about differences is hard and requires vulnerability.
- Any level of engagement is good and welcome; each family will come at this topic from different perspectives, and we respect that this journey is very personal.
- Mutual respect is the foundation of everything we do together.
All members of the Hindley community are encouraged and welcome to join the DEI Committee. By so doing, we will add you to our distribution list to receive updates about DEI-oriented activities and volunteer opportunities, parent education/learning opportunities, and notices of DEI-related activities within the broader community.
Please reach out to hindleyDEI@gmail.com if you want to join our efforts. The required time commitment is not high, and by volunteering you will connect with other families passionate about this topic and have a say in shaping how we approach DEI in our community.
We look forward to going on this journey with you.
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee and The Hindley PTO Executive Board
- An Invitation to Our Community: Let’s Stand Together Against Hate Speech in Our Schools | February 24thWe are deeply concerned by the most recent incident of hate speech found on school grounds at MMS. As this is …
- Hindley DEI Update | October 14th, 2024We were deeply troubled by the racist slur found on Hindley’s playground last week. As children continue to learn from …
- DEI Committee UpdateThe DEI committee had its first kick off meeting where many new and exciting ideas were shared to celebrate and …
- Join the Hindley DEI CommitteeThe DEI committee had its first kick off meeting where many new and exciting ideas were shared to celebrate and …
- Hindley DEI Update | August 25th, 2023The Hindley DEI Committee invites you in promoting the values of acceptance and understanding of all cultures, abilities and backgrounds. …
- Hindley DEI Committee | Wrapping up the YearHello everyone! First, a huge thank you to everyone who has continued to be part of our work and conversation …
- DEI Update | April 18th, 2023Thank you to those who joined the DEI Committee conversation last month. Here are a few key updates: Finally, I am …
- Parent Learning Series | April 25th & April 27thMark your calendars for Hindley’s spring parent learning series! Join us on April 25th at 9:15 in the Hindley Common Room to …
- DEI Committee Zoom Meeting | March 13th12pm-1pm If you enjoyed the Hindley Heritage Celebration and Kindness Week and want to learn how to connect meaningfully with families seeking …
- Hindley DEI UpdateFebruary was a HUGE month for our DEI Committee. Thank you to everyone who participated in our very successful Hindley Heritage Celebration and …
- Hindley DEI Update | December 9th, 2022The next DEI Zoom meeting is on Monday, December 12th at 8:30pm.https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82515825041?pwd=U2YvaHovOGI1SENncWx3MTlJZzNtQT09Meeting ID: 825 1582 5041Passcode: 448332 The agenda is …