February was a HUGE month for our DEI Committee. Thank you to everyone who participated in our very successful Hindley Heritage Celebration and Random Acts of Kindness week. These activities sent positive ripples through our community and our efforts made both the Darien Times and the Superintendent’s letter!
Our next DEI Committee meeting will take place from 12-1pm on Monday, March 13th via Zoom. Details for the call are below. Please join and feel free to bring a friend!
DEI Committee Bulletin Board: Next week our March bulletin board will be going up to celebrate Women’s History month. In May, we are set to highlight Asian and Pacific Islander heritage. But we are still looking for volunteers to help design and put up our bulletin boards for April and June! Please let us know if you would like to do one of the following:
- April – Arab Heritage
- June – Juneteenth
For our Committee call this month, the proposed agenda includes:
- Updates from recent cross-district monthly DEI CDSP meetings
- Parent Learning Series
- One step at a time Walks
- Parent Survey
- Planning for 2023-2024
Please let me know if you want to add anything to the agenda.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 1582 5041
Passcode: 448332
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