Darien Advocates for Education of the Gifted (DAEG) is the parent “pto” group for the gifted community. We are a non-profit just as the others, and hope that you would kindly include this notice to parents regarding our upcoming Speaker Luncheon in your newsletters or wires that go out to parents. All parents in Darien are welcome regardless of having a child in the Idea program.
Please join DAEG and any parents in Darien interested in a talk entitled, “Helping our Children Find Passion and Purpose in Today’s World: Tips and Strategies for Parents of Gifted and High Performing Students,” given by Nicole Waicunas, Creator and Co-Director of the School for Innovative Learning. The lunch will be held at the Country Club of Darien on April 27th from 11:30-2pm. Please click here for more information and to register!