Cub Scouts | Open House on Sept 22nd & First Pack Meeting on Sept 26th

Darien Cub Scouts and PACK 161 welcomes BOYS and GIRLS in grades K-5 for the 2024-25 school year! Cub Scouting is a chance to get outside, go camping, play games, try new things, and to help other people. 

Our first Pack Meeting is  THURSDAY SEPT 26th at 6:30 PM in the TOKENEKE School Cafeteria.  Also,  a town wide Intro to Cubs and open house is being held on Sun, Sept 22nd from 1-3pm at the Scout Cabin (140 West Ave),   We’ll have activities and games for the kids (this is a great way to see what scouts is all about and to get questions answered etc.)

Also, a new parent info night will be held on Wed, Sept 25th. Our first campout will be in October (no experience necessary)! . For all info or to join, please email

Thanks and let me know if any questions

Jim Roth 646-234-4471