History will come alive for ages 7-13, who can sign up now at museumofdarien.org for this fun summer camp taking place from Monday, June 26 through Friday, June 30, 9:30am-12:30pm.
Campers will craft handmade paper, write with quills & ink, weave baskets, make candles and sculpt pots and vases out of clay.
Even learn how to make butter! The museum’s colonial herb and flower garden and collection of colorful quilts will inspire crafting natural dyes and botanical prints on fabric to complete a sewing project.
Campers will also have time outdoors to play old-fashioned games before returning home with their many “masterpieces”!
The Museum of Darien is located at 45 Old Kings Highway in Darien. For more info call (203) 655-9233 or visit museumofdarien.org.