Random Acts of Kindness week is a national celebration (normally observed the week of February 17th). We are thrilled that Hindley will have some exciting activities that celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness amongst students and staff.
- We will be working with buddy classrooms to make special Valentine notes/cards for community departments (i.e. Post 52, library, and fire departments).
- We will be making a large Kindness Tree outside of the Common Room for students and staff to add to each day.
- Students will participate in additional activities in their classrooms throughout the week!
Specific themes for the week include:
- Monday: What does it mean to be kind? Kindness begins with me.
- Tuesday: Kindness is contagious.
- Wednesday: Be the reason someone smiles.
- Thursday: The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Please click here to shop our Amazon wish list for craft supplies! We encourage and welcome all to participate! Please shop by February 7th! We cannot wait to have some fun! Thank you!