Darien Softball Upper House League Evaluations This Weekend! | February 2nd

Softball evaluations for our Upper House League (Grades 3-7) are taking place this Sunday February 2nd. If you are planning to register your 3rd-7th grader for house softball, please do so now so that they can be placed on a team appropriately.  If you have any questions, please contact Aidan Welsh at aidan.r.welsh@gmail.com.

To register and for more information on the program, please click here:  2025 SPRING SOFTBALL REGISTRATION

To sign up for 3rd-7th grade evaluations, please click here: Evaluation Sign Up

DLL’s policy is that all children will have the opportunity to play regardless of ability to pay. To request a DLL scholarship, please email John Butler at john.butler@psc.com. Scholarship requests and grants are handled discreetly and confidentially.